Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This blog is here for you to see the other side of the story. All the "rumors" and lies that you read on Lebanon for "truth" and reconciliation, Rhetorical Wasteland, Educating Lebanon will be discounted here. We will respond to any and all lies and rumors posted on these sites. These sites are set on destroying our school system and the people involved.


  1. Great! I'm sure you will be following the highest standards of ethics and journalism in your pursuit of "the real truth."
    I look forward to reading an unbiased, yet critical, policy driven debate of the issues surrounding the Lebanon community education system. Based on your mission statement, I will expect to read no unsubstantiated rumors or logical fallacies, there will be no use of threats or violent tones towards ANY individuals and you will have multiple sources for any and all claims made herein. Cheers.

  2. What we are trying to do is to give the correct information when something is posted on LT, or Rhetorical Wasteland, or Education Lebanon blog that is incorrect. This will not be a forum to discredit anyone but more the other side of any rumors post on any of the other sites.
