Saturday, May 2, 2009

Chris Fisher

So, Fisher has dropped out of the race. That's a very good thing. His speach about the fish was a little out there and didn't really pertain to anything that made any sense, but thats Chris for you.
Fisher says he always voted what was in his heart, however he flipflopped so much it was hard to tell exactly what he stood for half the time. He definately was not in it for the kids but for his own ego. I wouldn't be too happy if I was Mike Marten and Chris was endorsing me. There are many more people in the community who were extremely fed up with Chris no show to meetings half the time and never knowing where he stood ont he issues.
Pretty sure this was all politically planned on his and his co-horts part.


  1. I always thought Chris just wanted to keep the authority figures happy: Seemed to put his finger up the air to see which way the power winds were blowing. He is a not-very-bright follower in MHO. After seeing him in action on the board, I decided I certainly wouldn't be buying insurance from him or shopping at his wife's second-hand clothing store as my own way of protesting his pathetic performance on the board.

  2. Now you can eat your words... Look who has the last laugh!!!... LOL
