Sunday, April 19, 2009

Paying Ransom

LT has posted that she would agree to take the posts of the February 17 meeting down. No go LT, this has to do with ALL the reputations you have ruined and all the people who kept quiet while you did it. You've had months to think about the damage that was done, yet you spouted your 1st amendment rights like what you were doing was ok as long as the founding fathers thought it was. This is the beginning.
And for the record to those who have spouted going to the police.
NOTHING on this blog has even compared to the illegal and civel actions on LT's blog, I stated the truth when I spoke of Kim Masogs daughter. And I have not threatened anyone. I guess you all now know how it feels.


  1. Real LT - you know you don't get to decide what sounds threatening or not, right? That's up to the person potentially being threatened.

    I mean, if I come at someone with a knife and say something like "that's a great coat.. it would be a shame if something happened to it," I'm not technically threatening them, but there is a clear threat implicit in what I've said.

  2. I would guess LT did this because Tre disapproved of the posts -- He seems to me her mentor these days.

  3. Being LT's friend is probably a bad business move for Tre. I wonder why no one focuses on LT's teaching skills & how many students are even in her classes. Shouldn't that be researched? I don't know if that is true, but I have heard that a lot of students don't like her & her classes are very small. Isn't that a valid reason for the D.O. to look at her when making teacher cuts?

  4. Good point made by anonymous at 9:38 p.m. I have heard that is very bright and knows her subject, but really clashes with lots of the students, and many of the brightest now avoid her classes.

  5. To the last two annoymous comments.
    There are many things Jennifer Walter does in her class. She meows throughout class, she talks insistently about her cats, she has used the "n" word numerous times in class. Who would want to be in her class? It's a good question why she is still there, I guess her legal expertise comes in for her now but I think her bully tactics are coming to an end.

  6. Dennis, you are too dumb for your own good.

  7. Here is the original comments from the February 17 meeting and the nasty comments from LT afterward. It is in word format because since she took it down you can not link it to her site

    Lebanon for Truth and Reconciliation: Reprehensible BehaviorLebanon for Truth
    and Reconciliation
    Wednesday, February 18, 2009
    Reprehensible Behavior
    Dennis covered the school board meeting in depth. What we find unacceptable is
    the behavior of a small segment of the audience.

    Dennis has explained Mary Bowman's outrageous behavior. She sat in the back of
    the room, interrupting the presentation by the high school administrators at
    will, diverting the entire discussion along her chosen tangents and stage
    whispering editorial comments. She attacked everyone in sight, including two
    young men who had done nothing other than land at the table. Why were they
    selected to participate in the conversation: THEY ARE STUDENT BODY OFFICERS! In
    particular, she attacked Colin McHill on the basis of his parents. We wish that
    we could say that was as low a blow as was delivered, but it was not.

    Ms. Bowman wins the award for worst performance in a leading role. She was also
    a finalist in the worst performance in a supporting role. Ms. Bowman egged on
    her daughter [Update: we have been informed that she is not the mother of either
    of the girls who spoke] and another student to stand in the back of the room,
    interrupt the presentation constantly with egocentric questions. These students
    misrepresented the conditions at the high school. Note: the comments on RW about
    "suicide hall." That's one small distortion in the fun house of mirrors created
    by Katie Bilyeu and Autumn Ray at the last two board meeetings.

    When Mark Finch put up a chart showing the testing results for 10th graders for
    the last 10 years, the girls were not smart enough to figure out that their test
    results were in included in the chart and started asking what about the test
    results for juniors and seniors. [And, Dennis, we disagree with you on this one.
    Testing is extremely expensive, both in terms of educational time and money. The
    district takes an incredible amount of time to test sophomores each year, plus
    the testing of juniors and seniors who have not passed their graduation
    proficiencies. The high school has an extensive data base tracking the test
    results of individual students, but it does not universally test juniors or
    seniors. Thus, the most accurate results are the sophomore tests.]

    Then we have to take turns down the lane of what about me: I hate the high
    school, but you better make sure I get all of my Beyond LHS for next year. And
    what about advisory for me? And what about my senior project? These students
    lacked any perspective about the overall situation and they also lacked any
    adults to tell them they were being disruptive.

    The irony here is Rick's disruptive classrooms speech. Everything has gone to
    Hell at the high school! THERE'S NO DISCIPLINE. Okay, Rick, here's your
    opportunity to practice a little discipline. Why don't you insist that these
    students be respectful? Just because they are saying some things that you find
    convenient doesn't mean that you should allow them to be rude. Look at the
    contrast: There are two elected representatives of the student body, who sat
    quietly and respectfully through the presentation of Autumn, which they
    personally felt was a bunch of lies, and that sat respectfully and quietly
    through the pit bull antics of Bowman and her girls, even when they were
    personally attacked.

    The girls, on the other hand, sat in the back of the room, jabbering away,
    texting away, being disrepectful to the high school administration.

    Who would you rather have in your child's classroom? The students who are polite
    and participate in the discussion or the ones who hijack it, attack the leaders,
    and refuse to play by the rules?
    Posted by Lebanon Truth at 7:59 PM
    Almost Anonymous said...
    This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
    February 18, 2009 9:33 PM
    Anonymous said...
    LT, I think the "poor genetics" comment should be removed. It's referring to a
    minor which is really not appropriate no matter your view on what happened.
    February 19, 2009 5:53 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Get my name off of this blog. I am an underage student and this is
    cyber-bullying. In case you forgot, Lebanon High School has a zero-tolerance
    policy for this.
    To "Almost Anonymous": I do not appreciate you saying that "poor genetics
    breed on" considering that you do not know my mother and she has not been
    present at any of the board meetings in at least the last ten years.
    To "Lebanon Truth": You say that we were not smart enough to understand the
    chart on test results? Finch couldn't understand at least 2 of the questions I
    had and he is an "administrator". Your blogger friend "Dennis" even noted
    that. Also, in your "About Me", it says; "This is designed to be a forum where
    people can get accurate information and share ways to encourage the practice
    of respect, thoughtful decision-making, truth-telling." It also says; "are
    afraid to speak." Well, when I spoke at last month's board meeting I was not
    afraid to speak, and I was speaking what I see and what MANY of my peers see
    at our school, yes, Lebanon High School, in case you are confused. You say I
    drew a bleak picture of our school and what I said wasn't from a mainstream
    view? What is that supposed to mean? That you think I have no friends? Try
    again. I know many people at LEBANON HIGH SCHOOL who agree with all of my
    thoughts and opinions and WE KNOW these things need to be fixed because we
    have to face them everyday. By you saying these things about us, you look
    stupid. Like a horrible adult that says you are "a citizen concerned about the
    morality and ethics of my town, Lebanon." Doesn't seem that way when you are
    critizing and harassing underage students.
    I know you probably won't post this because you only put on here what you
    think is "accurate information". Speaking at those meetings is a part of our
    First Amendment rights.
    You think we were being rude and Rick should've said something? Sometimes it
    takes anger and strong determination to get a point through and that is all we
    are trying to do when we come to those meetings. So sure, critize our parents,
    but maybe you should've thought twice before you put the name of an underage
    student at this school. And also mentioned the daughter of one the teachers.
    You think we are crazy but maybe you should proof-read your input before you
    hit "SEND".
    February 19, 2009 6:31 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Bad Behavior is Bad Behavior! I heard anger and frustration but not one
    offering of ideas to help make things better. Let's come to the table with our
    ideas and work together to solve the issues that need fixing and celebrate all
    the good things that are very right with Lebanon. Our children need and
    deserve hope and examples of how we can work together to solve problems.
    Child learn more from our actions than they do from what we tell them. Let's
    start giving them the very best EXAMPLES.
    February 19, 2009 9:10 PM
    Anonymous said...
    It is amazing to me how some very vocal people--including Rick Alexander and
    Josh Wineteer--said all the problems we had was because Jim Robinson was our
    If he was just gone everything would be fine and we would all be getting
    along. We would be doing things well and our community would be such a
    wonderful place. Our School District and School Board would be models for
    others to emulate.
    The ongoing bad behavior tells what a lie that always was.
    February 20, 2009 7:56 AM
    Lebanon Truth said...
    Anonymous Student:

    We apologize for the genetics comment. You are correct: it was not an
    appropriate statement for publication.

    Here's our explanation: There is one commenter who somehow has the ability to
    post immediately without moderation. We have been unable to figure out how to
    make those comments subject to moderation. As soon as we saw the comment, we
    deleted it.
    February 21, 2009 9:47 AM
    Dennis said...
    Anonymous @ 6:31 -

    There are lots and lots (and lots) of restrictions on free speech in place in
    the world. I could be wrong, but my understanding is that we don't actually
    have a right to say anything whenever we want during a board meeting.

    Traditionally, there has been a public comment section on the board agenda,
    and this is the designated place for audience members to speak to the board.
    Current Chair Wineteer has broken with that tradition and allowed people to
    speak at other times during board meetings, but that's not the same thing as
    being allowed to speak on anything at any time - and neither is Chair
    Wineteer's view uncontroversial. In fact, statewide, I would guess he is in
    the minority. And while you might view any speech restrictions during board
    meetings as an infringement of your First Amendment rights, there is so much
    precedent suggesting that it is not that I would be surprised if your view
    would hold up. (Besides, any high school student should be aware that their
    absolute free speech rights are limited and become relative the second they
    step on school property.)

    Are such restrictions on free speech fair? Depends on how you look at it - and
    it gets at a bigger issue with the relationship between the school board and
    the community.

    Under Oregon law, the public has access to the deliberations of government.
    Specifically, we have the right (with exceptions - see Executive Sessions) to
    observe what the school board is doing. Traditionally, we do not have the
    right to participate in board meetings.

    This is a tough one to reconcile, even for me, because I would love nothing
    more than responsible, civil, community participation in the school district.
    But I also understand that the difference between observing and participating
    in board meetings likely has a lot to do with the fact that the board needs to
    get work done and has rules they must follow to do so, and that certain types
    of community involvement - i.e. being able to question the board on anything
    at any time - will get in the way of that work (not because it will catch the
    board doing something wrong, necessarily, but that it simply makes
    already-lengthy board meetings take even longer). Therefore, it seems
    reasonable that boards (and not just school boards, but City Councils, County
    Commissioners, various budgeting and other boards at OSU, etc) have adopted
    limits on audience speech.

    Again, you might not consider this fair (I certainly don't always think it's
    fair), but it is the reality of the situation. Changing it arbitrarily, as
    Wineteer has done, is possible, but does create some tension and conflict with
    those who don't agree with his changes.

    Finally, I want to make a distinction between can and should. In certain
    situations (as I've tried to outline above), one has the right (they 'can') to
    exercise their First Amendment right to free speech. It does not automatically
    follow, however, that just because one can speak, one should speak. I'm not
    suggesting that this applies just to students, by the way - everyone might
    notice that I don't speak during board meetings even though I certainly could
    and certainly have something to say, as do many others.

    This isn't an attempt to suggest that the students who spoke up did so
    wrongly, though I do share some of LT's apprehension at the possibility that
    students are being egged on by teachers and parents; rather, it is a
    suggestion: That thoughtfully considered words and questions - from all of us
    - are more effective ways of making compelling points to a body such as a
    school board. In the case of students, this is especially true, as it tends to
    exceed the expectations of many adults (rightly or wrongly).
    February 21, 2009 10:59 AM
    Lebanon Truth said...
    Anonymous student:

    When you step forward to participate in a public meeting, you are aware that
    there are media covering the meeting. There is a prominent table designated
    for reporters. If you have followed press coverage of school board meetings,
    you should have noticed that the names of "underage" students are reported.

    You also are, or should be, aware that minutes will be written. Those minutes
    always contain the names of "underage" students who paricipate in board
    meetings. That's important to keep an accurate record of board proceedings.

    Therefore, it was not reasonable for you to have an expectation of privacy.

    It is not cyberbullying to comment on what you said and did during a PUBLIC
    meeting. And our purpose in commenting was (1) to announce our disgust with
    adults who are using you and not educating you on the proper ways to conduct
    yourself at board meetings and (2) to comment on the merits of your positions
    on political matters. The central purpose of our blog is not to harass or
    intimidate you; it is to call to the attention of the public the business and
    conduct of the school board on public matters as well as those private matters
    that we think are relevant to public business.

    We did not comment on your grades, we did not comment on your conduct at
    school, we did not comment on the rumors we have heard about your off-campus
    activities, we did not comment on your friends. WE COMMENTED ON YOU AT THE

    You said:

    "Speaking at those meetings is a part of our First Amendment rights."

    Speaking ABOUT those meetings is a part of our First Amendment rights.

    Don't you think it is a little disingenuous to argue that you can do whatever
    you want at a board meeting without anyone being able to address your behavior
    while at the same time demanding your right to be free from criticism because
    you are "underaged?"

    And don't you think it is a little disengenuous to go around bad mouthing LT
    in comments that you make to others in school and out and then say that it is
    wrong for LT to analyze the merits of your school board behavior?
    February 21, 2009 1:31 PM
    Bernstein said...
    Get my name off of this blog. I am an underage student and this is
    cyber-bullying. In case you forgot, Lebanon High School has a zero-tolerance
    policy for this.

    I assume this is from one of the students who chose to speak up at the board
    meeting. Guess what, you can't participate in a public forum and then cry when
    your name gets used.

    Her comment might be proof that LHS is doing a poor job in teaching civics and
    February 22, 2009 8:47 AM
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  8. Anon @ 11:54 - why thank you =)

  9. I was horrified to read the reports of the cat yowling, etc. in LT's class -- so I asked my child who has taken a class from LT: She says it happens all the time -- LT puts on Youtube segments with cats and sings and dances around to these videos, discusses her cats and their personalities and meows. Oh my. Our tax dollars at work.

  10. Yes, this has been happening for years and students have complained to Mark Finch but since they're such good buddies he gave up so the students gave up as well. Hopefully Bo will put an end to it.

  11. Maybe people who question Ms. Walter's teaching ability should look in to the Senior Projects. Ms. Walter's entire advisory passed their Senior Projects with several students receiving perfect scores. There are lots of Seniors who will be scrambling to pass before graduation as many did not pass the first go round.

  12. This sounds like something Ms. Walters would say. Jennifer is that you?. Stop trying to make yourself out to be a good teacher, the only reason you became a teacher is because you are a bully and you could have victims who couldn't stand up to you.

  13. Sorry- as usual you are wrong. It was not a post by Ms. Walter.
