Friday, April 17, 2009

What is a mother to do?

Apparently one principal at the high school who knows the blogger well has run into a sticky situation with her child. Kim Masogs daughter caught at a party over the weekend where there was drugs, illegal fireworks, alcohol and who knows what else.
Gee, we would hate to blog about that because we all have such high standards when it comes to the students, but I guess if she believes its ok to blog about students behaviors than we have our constitutional right to do the same. If you are aware of who LT is and know the damage she has done then you are just as guilty Ms. Masog. So your children are fair game as well. Good luck having every indiscretion that your kids have done or plan on doing in the future posted everywhere that we can do it.
I guess it's time to give up the bloggers name. At lease I would if I were you.


  1. OK -- I really seriously dislike the LT blog, and have long thought her blogging made things worse vs. better for this community. But I don't think you need to sink to her level. We ALL need to keep kids out of this. I don't know what, if anything, will shut down LT but threats aren't a good idea. Just my 2 cents.

  2. your logic is flawed! If you want to call out Kim Masog, great that is your right, however to involve her daughters, is inexcusable. Kids will be kids and they do not deserve to be put in the middle of this disgusting display our community has chosen. This is the epitomy of the problem of this town, everyone is pushing their agenda, and none of it has to do with the kids.

    You are no better than the 3 other bloggers, when you drag the kids into it.

    Can't we remember what this is all about? Not; anonymous blogging, misbehaving school board members, loud mouthed attorneys (Kennedy & Meadorbrook), and angry math parents.

    It is about providing a better education for kids, preparing them for the future. Was Masog's kid the only to get into trouble? Are all the other kid's parents up for saint hood?

    The incident with the party really is a private matter and is also a learnign opportunity. Kim's daughter is being handed the appropriate consequences just as the other kids are.

    You are stooping to the level of the other blogger, and are bullying kids.

    PATHETIC, all of you!

  3. Ms. Masog knows who LT is that is why her child is named. She did nothing to protect the students that LT slammed on her blog. We all may be flawed but some of us are fed up and if the district isn't going to protect the students and the administrators who have been lied about and slandered on her blog than unfortunately someone has to do the dirty work. And since nothing else is working we had to get into the gutter with her. And by the way, we are not Rick Alexander fans, so you do away with that theory.

  4. By the way anonymous at 8:52 pm. Where was your anger at LT the last two years as she has slandered, lied and distroyed reputations, students and adults alike?

  5. I am Anon 8:52
    My anger was and still is in the same place with all of you, bubbling out of my Skull.

    I read a few of the original blogs from LT, and quit because it was garbage.

    When I heard about this, I had to read, and you are dang right I am angry. Anytime an adult takes it upon themselves to call a kid out every adult in the community should be furious.

    Not your job, no matter who their parents are or what they know.

    Just because her mother knows something, she get trhown into the pit???

    I see you will climb in the "gutter" and throw stones as long as you can remain anonymous also.

    So when someone figures out who you are they should print anything they want about your family?

    Whether they have the full truth or not?

    Alright, done and done......

  6. Where was every adult in the community when LT lied and ruined the reputations of students at the school and every adult she didn't agree with. (She has recently just removed the comments concerning students, but two months later) You're not the only one who is outraged, no body has made her accountable for her actions, so sometimes you do have to crawl in the gutter with the rats to fight them the dirty way, its unfortunate but it is the way it is. I have only posted true statements on here so not sure why anyone would print the non truth about me?

  7. I am so sorry that you are so anger. Preceived and real wrong events are hurting you so much that you can't let go and move on. This kind of anger can cause you to become ill. Please take care of yourself and stop all of this hurtful stuff. I have said this before. We all need to be kind.

  8. Wow, someone is living in Oz. This is Lebanon, for ten years there has been no kindness and there never will be. Not sure what you mean by preceived and real wrong events are hurting so much, what the hell does that even mean. I'll say it once again, our anger is fueled by the lies, slander and ability to ruin reputations by LT. Paybacks are hell and we are in better health than when we were sitting around trying to stop the insanity. Apparently what we have been doing is working she deleted some insane comments on her blog.

  9. How long have you lived in Lebanon?????? I have lived here for over 30 years and stayed to raise my family here because it IS a great place to live.
    Remember two wrongs do not make a right. You speak in a public forum your name will be made public, no matter what age you are.
    All adults, parents,teachers and non-parents need to start working together like they did when I went to school here and make it the great school district it was back in the 80's.
    Less bs more team work!!!!!!!! Time go grow up!!

  10. Actually -- I think acting to try to counter the hurtful blogs, especially LT, probably is healthy -- you are taking the only step that might work, since reasoning with her and arguing against her comments only seem to fuel her fire. I think LHS staffer is a bit condescending here, something we don't need more of in this district. I normally don't agree with "an eye for an eye" approach, but it may actually leave you feeling stronger and less like a victim of LT and her group.

  11. LHS staffer we know you are Larry Anderson "counselor" at the high school, and I say counselor lightly as I think your job consists of sitting in your office drinking coffee.
